Apr 3, 2009

Eye Cosmetic Safety

Before you put on your eye makeup read this article. Important safety information concerning your eye cosmetics.

Do not Share or Swap Your Eye Makeup

Never share your eye makeup or use another�s. The germs in the makeup while not detrimental to the owner may be detrimental to you. Additionally, testers at retail outlets can carry a large amount of germs and bacteria due to a large number of people trying the product. If you just have to sample a cosmetic, always ask for a clean applicator.

Hold still

You may be tempted to apply your makeup while riding in a car, bus, or other type of transportation, but avoid this temptation. A small bump in the road, swerve, or sudden stop can cause you to poke your eye and cause serious damage and/or infection. A slight scratch of the cornea can result in serious eye infections.

Know the Ingredients

All eye cosmetics are required to have their ingredients declared on the label as mandated by the Fair Packaging and Labeling Act (FLPA). The labeling of cosmetics is vital to the consumer. The labeling helps to identify ingredients so the consumer can compare brands or if there are ingredients that you wish to avoid

All cosmetics are required to be labeled. If it is not then you are not getting the information entitled to you. Do not hesitate to ask the store manager or the manufacturer on why the product is not labeled.

Eye Shadow Colors

The United States strictly regulates the uses of color additives in eye makeup. There are several eye colors are not approved by the FDA for use in the eye area. There is an important alert for cosmetics containing illegal colors at FDA website (www.fda.gov).

Kohl (also known as al-kahl, kajal, or surma) is one color additive that is prohibited in the United States. While this additive is allowed in other countries, it is unapproved for cosmetics use by the FDA. Kohl is known to contain heavy metals such as antimony and lead. The FDA has received reports of kohl leading to lead poisoning in children.

While some cosmetic companies may label their cosmetic with the �kohl�, it is only to indicate the color. If the cosmetic is labeled properly, you can check the FDA lists of approved color additives for use in cosmetics at the FDA website.

In Case of a Bad Reaction

If you do have a bad reaction to a specific eye cosmetic, contact your healthcare provider. In addition, the FDA encourages all consumers to report any adverse reactions from cosmetics to their nearest FDA district office.

To contact your nearest FDA district office, you can find their phone numbers on FDA's Web site. These phone numbers also are included in the U.S. Government listings in the Blue Pages of the phone book under United States Government/Health and Human Services. In addition, you may email them at CAERS@cfsan.fda.gov

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